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Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. The dovish side embraced his vision of an by Fatah, the Muslim Brotherhood rising in table, let alone negotiate a solution. The Call Canadian Jewish News. Jewish News. Macquarie Private Wealth Inc. Conditions apply to all offers, plans, and WINDtab. Learn more at WINDmobile. WINDtab is available at participating locations. Management Corp. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The Canadian Jewish News , a corporation without share capital. The Canadian Jewish News reserves the right to refuse advertising. Klez Kanada music festival, held annually at before finally getting around to Song of the research and interviews. Brave Old World, a band that grom and on a ghetto revolt From Des pair He chose images, some of which.

He was particularly impressed by Brave locaust was part of my cultural world. Klein film. June 23 , 20 11 The Canadian Jewish news. The main goal of The CJN is to keep the. Canada David Jacobson, second to right, and executive director of Canadian Society. The Director of Development will work as a member of the senior management team. Aish Toronto is a branch of Aish International, one of the leading Jewish educational.

If you are a creative, results-oriented professional, anxious to contribute to improving the lives of. We regret that only those candidates contacted will be acknowledged.

If we do not receive notification within these parameters, we will assume the ad is. The Canadian Jewish News. A hot market means movitated buyers, multiple offers, and a better return on your investment.

The gently undulating terrain leading to the. Call Jewish News or email: General Great service. Honi; Konu, Feb.

Beth vessels sank. The crews were saved. The nlsivc are sll rnluosl to Ieditioii, are sUKfuinod. Nvav Noun, Fell. Cleveland, tendering him the office of Secretary of Slate, This is the first absolute office that has been offered to any one. The impression is that Mr. Bayard will acc»-pt. Chicago, Feb. Kighty to one hundred tons of mad mAtter are ilelayed lu re. Tlie Dakota! New York, Feb. Ul PI EV. Nrw York. The writ was dismissed and the prisoner remanded.

Her counai-l will apply immediately to the Police Magistrate to have an examination for the release of the prisoner. London, I-Vb. The police last night entered the store and found a large quantity of dynamite which was removed and turned over to the inspector of explosives. Korti, Feb. Botli Col. Wilson H«teajners were wrecked owing to the treachery of the pilots. They will he courtmart ialed. London, Feb. They ixinfirm the ie iiirt of tien. The Hamburg American Line, ste.

Wahhinuton, Feb. There was a narrow iscajs-frein h panic. Totek v, la. Washing rev. He was virtually under arrest from that time till April llth, IMBI, when he was restored to duty and notitieil by Lieut. IKAX, N. Arrived France, Insn Ixwidoo. Orms, Toronto, Feh.

Waddingtoii, th French auihas'adnr. MI mM. NatJnunel N. Gordon was. All tlie nV. Thn their s »ears. The Mahdi lias repaired the forth ficatioiiM ami inado Khnrtoiinr well nigh nnpp'g-nable. Ben-sford, ar-livid at flit- island on Tiiaaday. Sofia'» l»iler waa struck by a. Wilson's baggage. They atop »ed firing and coni-meiKed Iw-ating drums. Tile sti-flim r replied effectively ami soon passed out of i iiife. KoRTI, Fell. Tin Wr for the constniction of a railway across the desert from Huakim to B-rbcr.

They nay the march t Ii. Soudan catastrophe hud 1m-« n sent t-» t indefiendeiicc, and «a» com-Ihd to Mirr«-n«lcr to a siiei-e»sful relM-llion of n-i own subject ». British ntut'-smeii iroelaimeil that the »uii of England had set never to ri»'-again. The English dcino ciacy is props rod t carry the ffag irf Engliii I w ith dignity and valor a» elKenaitU' as any oligarchy or despotic govemnient that nas p v. It behooves Englishnu-u to present un untlividtd front to the em-iny and stand shoulder to shoulder whatever may In-tide.

Nothing is n-t calculated to Itring nltout win as evincing aim iety at any prie'» to avoitl it. He left England on the IHth of. This proved fatal to t Jordon's plans.

The Mahdi. General GorI move on to Dongola and thence to Beils-r. A» last he «iHered to resign his coin-mission. Albert Armstrong, ship brokci ot. Eivei sud. Th to f»7, luivn a. Costly Coal Oil. Quite a number were hired last week to work in the mines in East Temple-ton. Noons was hurt. Aud more than this his was a vigorous old age. Cost ok Small Pox. It aiqs-ars tin- animal, as well as the sh igh. Om of the officers, Mr. Tklrghaimi Construction. Iff H. Iki, tp. Hoidino Thkih WmraT.

This year, however, they all stayed on their reserves, and even those who are liv ing about town paid no visits. Ikon Mining. Eablt LAvns. James Thompson, manager nf Col. Five lainlis have Ui n dropiM il since the 7th inst. Of the thirty faiuilies now in Sclianzenfeldt, all except aleuit a down will take up their residence on fl. VarioiiseirniinsL-inei'ibave oentnbutixl to this re«ult, finnmial dittivnlties btiiif' eue id the thief causes.

Wintering Well. Mtimson, manager, no hay has been fix! Neighboring ranchers have tin-same riqsirt to make. Tin- tine autumn we had has seemingly enabled the cattle to stand the rigor of a severe winter without losing flesh. The snow docs not lie ter mi Ma' Miramictii waters, it is feared has ix-rixhisl in tho forests. He has not been seen or heard from since, and there is very little hope of his being still alive. Clever Tramp». They Miccixded m getting fjuite a little sum and a day or two later they visited two jewellery establishments and bought a silver watch a piece with the proceeds of their beggingo-xpedition.

An Adventure with a Hear. Donah A. McKachem and John Currie arrived hoine with several wounds, and a black bear weighing about XO pounds. They were returning from the wissis with a load of firewood, when they saw freshly made l»ear tracks. They followed them a short distance and came up with bruin.

They were armed with axes, but bruin nevertliejess ' turned and attacked them ferociously. A long and hard fought battle loi-lowed, but they overcame and killed bruin. It is feared bis ami will have to lie amputated, Mr. Currie bad bis face scratched and one of his lingers bitten off. Currie and Mr. Me Eacheni des» rve great credit for their bravery. This is tin- second Is'. I V It let nr. Ltu eN from Hour. No t'. I LET. Ill KIN. DiffWnih, Nov. Situations Vacant. A Chicago-bound passenger train on the name road was snowed in to-day at Danforth.

No trains arrived or left Kaiikakis- to-day. The thermometer i» 20' below. At j Sterling, III. Ri and at Matlisin I oFFli'FH hi ni itml teentity, wilh private n imnei-. I Nil, ouNleuiy. Wantod to rent «ithin two or Ihris» inih-s from the city, a «m ill Inriu wilh i. The halonce of Horse clwthiug will he sold at a lediM-ed pih-v during tills month. Jnmea alri-et. A in» 4. Liuiejuiee and Ulyeerine for the Hair. A Tilia.

Tnui spa rant. K 04N r l-kll Ml. Infbrrine afrret. W« l»-g To «'ail the atte. S ee- ratire ««- rk oil Unen.

T OAU. At 8 ocliKli. VH No. Uu Mth. Mauacrr anil R. ANSI M. I ttn- r. Krt'iu'li liaptmt Chunh, Mance »tr«t I lit ohoki i til nic. VteilnrMletr, llllt li'lt. Tiirwdey Vt latni May.

The i ntuivaieau, air. Ward, J. Grenier, tJ. Howard, confltlcncc by Colonel Wilson and his oiB- C. Gault, Warden King, A. SIMA onu. I3tli in. Only Witniva, 8. Wex-kly M. Hie expenditure England has made, and will have to make, iu the Soudan and in Egypt cannot In' reimbursed iu any any othei way, it will In-so great. The fjcvi law al-o gives the t ie ladies of the Woman's Christian Temper right to piohibit anyone from breaking or j once Union soundly for their alleged deter-damaging the ice bridge opposite l.

Lawrence attempt which has ever lieen put forth lor tie. I » x riiWiar -. There sei-mx to Ik? There is no kind of punishment that they take kindly t». But is that any reason why they sliould reeciic from the fwisi tion W'liicii they are said to have taken?

But when they demand tiiat the. A tni-il nnu4it «I three mile-. Iwai are coiiatantly deiUMincilig the sale of liquor, should «lo wli. N«»r docs this even go t«i tin-root of the matter. Msirh I2tb ik CM. Hu Wii. A very large proportion of them have hml their hearts wrung with uu ntteiuble agony by it. Talk aleiut reprisals? There were also present Ahh-rm.

Lindsay, Barnes, xml Patterson, Mi ssrs. Alexander and E. The Ki-v. Lindsay aid that. S-nator Kenicr, xml Mr. The Goveiument hml recently sent a ih'iHitution to the gaol but the result of their visit was not known. Alexander, secondi-d by the Rev. Tlie report was unammoiuly tt«lopt4? The r. The 'oiiiinitti-o then broke up.

To Ihr Kihtur uf thr H'ltucu. Bayard nmved,. Kucher n-fei ring to the establishment of an abattoir and stock vaidsat Point St. Thu directors, with tlie exception of Mr. Ward, who resigned, were re-elected, Mr. Me- 1». Ml, vlthomdi tiie triu k wutexceeililizlv lit-avv. Mom l. Shaw , and eighteen games w ere completed in the course of the evening. Ottawa; Fob. Thr ilrli. Hut it was «intiiig a «leputy K ieaker that Mu. Hlake «Irevv attention to the existence of a provision in the constitution for the appointment by the SjN-.

The eniburasslueiit, Imvvever, was brief. After a lew moments'su»! The mmiutinim were amended to provide that the member elected to. Daly, iiieinlsM- for Halifax. White, Renfn-w, introihiced a bill to amend tin- Patent Act. VKNCT t. The «i»s i. Ablott chairman. The two tsisitions wsuii rather ineoiisisb-ut. The coinmilt is- then adjuuriHsl.

Meredith's object was to make it ap »-ar that tlm l! The 1 b. The 4ioveiiuiient amendment was carried by a msjot iry of 12, showing no falling off sin, , last si-vsiou, though Algoma, Fast SiuictM- and Imn-tiox art all uin pl«xeiit«l. Hioii will prixecil rapidly. Tlm Rev. N el les,. Plie fi-'-lin. Tlm President. Macdonald, Premier Banavla, as a red-letter day in its history and to the encouragement that had Imen given to tlm society thereby.

Mn Riissell concluded hy announcing that lie was obliged, ow ing to pressure of other engagements, to tender his resignation as secretary of tlm society. Russell'a services to the society. Ho thought Mr. Russell deserved their wannest thank» for initialiugmicli a piove-mnit, and Im lm «-d that the uieinlH-rs would always reniemls r that the eyes of Canada were iq on them and lx careful to conduct tlmii- meeting' in a pm M-r spirit.

Mosher seennned tin- adoption of the report, and it was carrietl unaiiiuioiisly. The TreoMirer. Kichanl, the re sirt was then adopted.

Darling said tin- society could not offord to lose the services of Mr. I,oiid applause. Weir seconded tin- motion, which waseu-tltiiM. E Shaw. MAW, AnstlonMr. Mill Insl. Prinor of Wsi. Pirat, tin- lut fixining ni,.

The lui rn IM of diridett to suit Ptrtiiulsit Itter. K of «thnthle llrrettinri Itou-,. MAW, Aildtiouear mg raiiiit Itr.

OOn to N ice Prmitient, Mr. Sis-n-tary, Mr. Tiearitirer, Mr. Council Mi'otrs. McD-mi dd. James Daijiug. L t joie, R. Cniiiplieil K. Dauduratnl and Jatims llnr xr.



Usa jobs government jobs login page six flagstone - usa jobs government jobs login page six flagston. 06 23 11 TOR.pdf - The Canadian Jewish News

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